Do you aspire to be known for being an organization with the best culture?
Current challenges:
Are you struggling to build a great organization culture, that fosters overall growth, success, and happiness for your organization and its people?
Let’s co-create your Organization culture transformation solution, based on 11 culture climate anchors & 2 culture emotion & feeling anchors, in just 22 days over 8 weeks.
Our journey & approach:
Organization culture is one of the most critical levers, that enable people to join and stay in an organization.
We partner & work together with you, to diagnose your organizations real undiscovered culture/behaviors & build an innovative solution to craft a new Organization Culture.
With a creatively confident style as:
Step 1: We discover your current organization culture using our unique framework by engaging:
Step 2: Define and co-create the NEW culture solution roadmap, at the organization culture co-creation workshop with the c-suite and ideation team
Creative tools that we use in this journey include:
What we co-design is an organization culture transformation solution based on our organization culture framework.
This framework has 3 culture pies at the high level, which include:
For diagnosis we have Culture anchors:
A. 11 Culture Climate Anchors:
B. Culture Emotion and Feeling Anchors:
What we co-create is:
In this journey you also unconsciously become competent, to further improvise your organization culture transformation solution, as you go along.
Let’s unlock the solution to these questions:
Let’s unlock the solution to these questions:
Let’s co-create your organization culture transformation journey in just 22 days over 8 weeks.
Do write to our genie to collaborate with your dream team!
Creative learnings academy – Let’s Co-create Magic!