Organization & Business strategy for future 

Promotion video



•Do you aspire to stay ahead in your business?

•Do you have a unique organization & business strategy plan and a stakeholder value star, to achieve your future vision?

Current challenges:

•Are you stuck with just in time organization & business strategy action adding to stress?

•Are you stuck with no clear customer/ stakeholder value proposition, leading them to move out?


Let’s co-create your organization & business strategy and a stakeholder value star to achieve your future vision, in just 15+ days over 6 weeks.

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Our journey & approach:

Organization & Business strategy sets the direction & plan of action to stay ahead in the game. We partner & work together with you, to craft your unique organization & business strategy and stakeholder value star to achieve your future vision.

With a creatively confident style as:

Step 1 we discover through structured personalized interviews & ghostbusting surveys, “what exactly is your C-suites & leadership team thinking individually”?

Step 2 we get the ball rolling & get all the CEO, C-suites and your leadership team together in a co-creation workshop and use creative tools like sketching/poster, mythology, jingles, punchlines to co-create the business strategy together.

Our unique workshop style includes design thinking, accelerated learning & theater style.


Our journey & approach:

Organization & Business strategy sets the direction & plan of action to stay ahead in the game. We partner & work together with you, to craft your unique organization & business strategy and stakeholder value star to achieve your future vision.

With a creatively confident style as:

Step 1 we discover through structured personalized interviews & ghostbusting surveys, “what exactly is your C-suites & leadership team thinking individually”?

Step 2 we get the ball rolling & get all the CEO, C-suites and your leadership team together in a co-creation workshop and use creative tools like sketching/poster, mythology, jingles, punchlines to co-create the business strategy together.

Our unique workshop style includes design thinking, accelerated learning & theater style.

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Detailed product video-2

Innovative Learning design & facilitation workshop, has a 4 phased (ABCD) structured designed by Creative learnings academy including:

What we co-design is a 11-step holistic organization &business strategy.

We facilitate you co-create an impactful:

1) Vision statement (Concept vs Quality based)

2) Mission statement (Purpose & unique style)

3) Tag line with optional jingle

4) Values which can be blended with mythological stories

5) Business model canvas (a summary of your business, its partners, activities, value proposition, customer
segments, distribution, resources, cost, revenue)

6) SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) & a How might we statement of what we want to achieve

7) Customer journey map with poster/ picture/ painting

8) Customer poster covering wants, delights, drivers, perceptions etc

9) Value star for the stakeholders including Financial, profitability, Talent growth, Customer, D&I
(Diversity & inclusion), Sustainability etc

10) Short, medium long-term objective with service & capability. Further prioritized with a matrix

11) Strategy objectives & execution plan

In a nutshell we cocreate your organization & Business strategy version 1 to start & launch.

While you also unconsciously become competent, to further improvise your strategy as you go along.

Let’s unlock the solution to these questions:

•Do you have a unique organization & business strategy plan and a stakeholder value star, to achieve your future vision?

Let’s co-create your organization & business strategy in just 15+ days over 6 weeks.

Do write our genie to collaborate with your dream team.

Creative learnings academy- Let’s co-create magic!

Product summary

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