Networking while being organization sharp

Promotion video



  • Do you aspire for your organization’s people to have a strong strategic, personal, and operational network to help your organization grow?
  • Do you aspire for your people to understand the organization’s structure, power relationships, and involved personalities, to exercise this knowledge in practical and productive ways for the organization’s growth?

Current challenges:

  • Are you struggling as underperformers are organization savvy & good performance stay behind at building networks, relationships?
  • Are you facing challenges, as your people are not well-networked or organization-savvy with organizational structures and managing upward relationships?


Let’s launch a “Networking while being Organization sharp”  immersive workshop journey for your learners in just ½ a day.

Our journey & approach:

Networking helps people understand networks, the power of networks, and ways to build and sustain networks.

Organization sharp helps people to understanding the organization structure, power relationships, and the personalities involved to exercise this knowledge in practical & productive ways for organization’s growth.

“Networking while being Organization Sharp” is a ½-day workshop designed to upskill managers and leaders as they:


  1. What is Networking, 3 types of networks, networking behaviors, value of networks
  2. Explore, discuss what is being organization sharp & strategy to become organization sharp

Diagnose their

  1. Network & craft a strategy to build,improve,sustain ones network with ‘clay donut network flag’ & be organization sharp to manage up well with ‘persona craft’

Creative tools that we use in this workshop include:

  • Craft art
  • Clay donut etc

We aim for the learners to become competent, to further improvise the ‘Networking while being Organization sharp “solution in the journeys as they go along.

Detailed product video-1

Let’s unlock the solution to this question:

  • Do you have a journey for your managers/ leaders to be more organization sharp, build & grow their networks?

Let’s launch a “Networking while being Organization Sharp” immersive workshop journey, for your learners in just ½ a day.

Do write to our genie to collaborate with your dream team.

Creative learnings academy – Let’s co-create magic!

Product summary
