Organization capability & talent strategy

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• Do you aspire to know, what “Organization level skills are required to uplift your Talent capability, to be future ready ahead of competition”?

•Do you aspire to craft a futuristic Talent strategy, to find the best fit talent in place with an optimal cost”?

Current challenges:

•Do you face challenges as your people don’t have future skills to do next level work?

•Are you confused about which roles to hire, internally vs externally vs hiring contractor’s vs automating with bots?


Let’s co-create your 3 action, Organization capability & talent Strategy in just 14+ days over 5 weeks.

Detailed video-1


Our journey & approach:

Organization capability uplift, for job agnostic forward compatible skills,  is the steppingstone to have future ready talent in your organization, equipping them to innovate.

Organization Capability framework, aids giving focus to critical roles with clear knowledge 7 skills needed.

Talent strategy to source for roles, aids faster turnaround time for each role fulfilment, done with a reverse strategy pipeline.

We partner & work together with you to carve an organization capability uplift, capability framework & talent strategy. 

We use our inhouse unique frameworks & models.

Our approach includes using creative tools like design thinking, legos, sketching, movement, colored walls & theater style learning in this journey.


Our journey & approach:

Organization capability uplift, for job agnostic forward compatible skills,  is the steppingstone to have future ready talent in your organization, equipping them to innovate.

Organization Capability framework, aids giving focus to critical roles with clear knowledge 7 skills needed.

Talent strategy to source for roles, aids faster turnaround time for each role fulfilment, done with a reverse strategy pipeline.

We partner & work together with you to carve an organization capability uplift, capability framework & talent strategy. 

We use our inhouse unique frameworks & models.

Our approach includes using creative tools like design thinking, legos, sketching, movement, colored walls & theater style learning in this journey.

Detailed video-1

Detailed video-2

For the Organization capability & talent Strategy with a design solution style as: 

Step 1 We discover the organization capability uplift with ghostbusting surveys with C-suite, identify key roles for organization capability framework with the C-suite in interviews, Talent strategy to source with Talent acquisition team interviews / surveys.

Step 2 We define & co-create

  • Organization capability uplift in a workshop with C-suite with experience, exposure & education (3Es) approach
  • Key persona Organization talent capability framework in a workshop based on current, future ready skills
  • Talent strategy to source based on Build, buy, borrow, bot (4B) framework, in a workshop with Talent Acquisition leads

In this journey you also unconsciously become competence, to further improvise your organization capability & talent strategy solution as you go along.

Let’s unlock the solution to these questions:

  • Do you want to “Uplift your organization capability to be able to lead the market with future solutions”?
  • Do you know, what “Organization level skills are required to build your entire talent to be future ready”?
  • Have you identified for all roles the “correct source to find, the best fit talent in place”?
    Example: Build internal talent vs Buy external talent vs Borrow contractors vs Bot/Automate
  • Have you built a capability framework (covering knowledge, skills etc) for key critical roles/profiles?

Let’s co-create your organization capability & talent strategy, in just 14+ days over 5 weeks.

Do write to our genie to collaborate with your dream team.

Creative learnings academy- Let’s co-create magic!

Product summary
