Let’s co-create an 11 step Organization & business strategy and a stakeholder value star, to set the direction & plan of action, to achieve your future vision & stay ahead in the game. We use creative tools like sketching, posters, mythology, jingles, punchlines etc. in this journey.
Time for Action: 15 days 6 weeks
Let’s co-create your new Organization value proposition solution, based on our unique Organization value proposition framework, with 8 lifecycle touch points & 6 organization anchors. We use creative tools, like sketching, posters, design thinking, accelerated learning & theater style learning etc. in this journey.
Time for Action: 30 days 10 weeks
Let’s co-create your 3 action, Organization capability & talent Strategy, focused on job agnostic forward compatible skills, capability framework, 4B Talent sourcing strategy. We use creative tools like legos, sketching, movement, coloured walls & theater style learning etc. in this journey.
Time for Action: 14 days 5 weeks
Let’s co-create your Talent development for 7+ key talent segments/ personas, with 8 header solution to uplift them for future. We develop your approach with career pathing, development plans, mobility options & succession planning. We use creative tools like persona gallery, display carnival, sketching etc. in this journey.
Time for Action: 18 days over 6 weeks
Let’s co-create a 10-step holistic Learning & development strategy together, to make your organization future ready. We use creative tools like picture decode, scavenger hunt, legos, puzzle, mix & match, visualize a vote etc. in this journey.
Time for Action: 22days over 8 weeks
Let’s co-create a 7-component learning community of practice & culture of learning solution together. It’s focused on building a learning community of practice (built through internal & external experts) & a culture of learning with application of knowledge, sharing within your organization & across industry. We use creative tools like unpuzzle the sequence, picture decode, how might we, visualize a vote, wall design etc. in this journey.
Time for Action: 6 days over 3 weeks
Let’s co-create your Organization Culture transformation solution, based on 11 culture climate anchors & 2 culture emotion & feeling anchors. We use creative tools like employee drawing, posters, genie wall, wiki wall etc. in this journey.
Time for Action: 22 days over 8 weeks