Building a learning culture of social and collaborative learning

Promotion video


•Do you aspire your people to learn fast & grow fast?

•Do you aspire to accelerate the creative, social & collaborative learning in your organization?

Current challenges:

•Are you facing a challenge as everyone wants to learn fast & grow fast, but we don’t know what to do? 

•Are your leaders struggling to create a culture of creative, social, collaborative learning for better results?


Let’s launch a “Building a learning culture of social and collaborative learning” immersive workshop journey, for your learners in just ½ a day.

Our journey & approach:

Building a learning culture of social and collaborative learning” accelerates, the organizations ability to learn from peer experience, stories, circles, communities, networks, interactive posts, albums, crowd sourcing etc.

The “Building a learning culture of social and collaborative learning” is a ½ day workshop to upskill managers/ leaders, as they:

Understand &

  1. Self-discover social & collaborative learnings techniques
  2. Explore 15 social & collaborative behavioral science techniques, to build a learning culture within teams


  1. To innovate and craft Social & collaborative learning solution for your teams/ organization based on relevance

Creative tools used in the workshop include:

    • Intimate press conference 
    • Mix & match & more

These 15+ social & collaborative behavioral science techniques include:

  • Interactive learner discussion / Social listening
  • Learning circles – Peer sharing & reflection
  • Storytelling, Appreciative inquiry
  • Community of practise, Cognitive dissonance
  • External networks/ Professional bodies Ambiguity aversion
  • Job shadowing, Social influence theory/ Norm
  • Mentoring/ reverse mentoring, Role modelling
  • Coaching, Team dynamics
  • Thematic, interactive posts, Albums
  • Simulation tools/ Augmented reality
  • Virtual reality/Metaverse
  • MOOC Platform add your content
  • Crowd sourcing/Converse forums /Gamification
  • Agile projects Groupthink

We aim for the learners to become competent, to further improvise the ‘Building a learning culture of social and collaborative learning’ solution in this journey as they go along.

Detailed product video-1

Let’s unlock the solution to this question:

•Do you have a journey for your managers/ leaders to design a creative, social & a collaborative learning solution that best fits the needs of their teams?

Let’s launch a ‘Building a learning culture of social and collaborative learning’ immersive workshop journey for your learners in just ½ a day.

Do write our genie to collaborate with your dream team.

Creative learnings academy – Let’s co-create magic!

Product summary
