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1. a) Organization/ Business strategy & stakeholder value star for the future
1. Do you aspire to stay ahead in your business?
2. Are you stuck with just in time organization & business strategy action, adding to stress?
Current state
3. Are you stuck with no clear customer/ stakeholder value proposition, leading them to move out?

1. b)   Organization Innovation, digital solutions (prototypes)/transformations for a complex business problem

4. Do you aspire to lead the market with future innovations, with a 1st mover unique product/solution and execution strategy advantage?
5. Do you aspire for your internal teams to innovate & create an out of box product, for your customers with a holistic execution plan?
Current state
6. Are you stuck as you don’t have any unique product/ solution, for your customers over competition & your internal teams don't innovate or create an out of box product for your customers?
2.  Organization value proposition
7. Do you aspire to have the best dream team for your organization, for employees to join & stay with you over competition ?
Current state
8. Are your employees moving to competition leaving you, but you don’t know why & what to do now?
9. Are you facing trouble to attract & hire premium talent from the market?
3. Organization capability & talent strategy
10. Do you aspire to know, what “Organization level skills are required to uplift your Talent capability, to be future ready ahead of competition”?
11. Do you aspire to craft a futuristic talent strategy, to find the best fit talent in place with an optimal cost?
Current state
12. Do you face challenges as your people don’t having future skills, to do next level work?
13. Are you confused with which roles to hire internally vs externally vs hiring contractor's vs automating work?
4. Talent  development for key talent segments
14. Do you aspire to develop your key talent, to upskill and grow within your organization than losing them to market?
15. Do you aspire to have a talent development approach, career learning pathways/ journeys for your key talent segments /personas?
Current state
16. Are you facing challenges to develop, engage & retain your key talent? e.g. of key talent can be high potential, work in critical roles or have critical skills, executive development, women in leadership, diversity & inclusion employees, graduate/campus employees.
5. a) L&D strategy
17. Do you aspire to ensure your talent is ready for the future?
18. Do you aspire to have a holistic, unique, innovative learning & development strategy for your entire organization?
Current state
19. Are you stuck with adhoc, traditional learning solutions for your employees without any clear impact?
20. Are you facing a problem to showcase, the return on investment of the money spent on employee learning?
5. b) Learning Community of practice/Culture of learning
21. Do you aspire to capitalize & benefit from the skill based futuristic learnings, within your organization & across industry?
22. Do you aspire to capture & retain the tacit & experience-based knowledge, of your organization and build a culture of learning & sharing?
Current state
23. Are you losing tacit & experience-based knowledge in your organization?
24. Are you unable to utilize the depth of experience & skills of your employees?
5. c) Innovative Learning design & facilitation
25. Do you aspire for your people to “retain what they have learnt in any form of a learning program” ?
26. Do you aspire to give a differentiated value to your customers, coming from the application of learnings from your employees?
27. Do you aspire to apply creative & innovative new ways of learning (by doing/discovery & not telling/theory) design & facilitation for your people? e.g. Based on experiential, alternate andragogy, theater, accelerated learning with unique tools etc.
28. Do you aspire to convert your trainers/subject matter expert's/teachers/ professors to become Innovative learning designers & facilitators ?
Current state
29. Are your learning /teaching solutions dry, theory heavy, traditional & less impactful ?
30. Are your learners unable to retain, apply the learnings & unable to give an application benefit back to the customers ?
31. Are your learners bored with cramming & want to explore new ways of learning with games, theater, accelerated style etc.?
6 a) Building people cope with new external business changes
32. Do you aspire your leaders to cope faster with external/ internal business and organization challenges ?
33. Do you aspire your talent to come out of the emotional spiral faster, of moving from negative to neutral to a positive state & focus on logical actions to win?
Current state
34. Are your leaders and employees finding it hard to cope with organizational changes? E.g. Internal, external, environmental, social, cultural organizational changes etc.
35. Are your facing productivity/performance drop, due to emotional spiral faced by people due to organizational changes?
6 b) Build your Managers &  Leaders for tomorrow
36. Do you aspire to have managers/ leaders with the best-in-class leadership skills?
Current state
37. Are you facing challenges with the leadership skills of your leaders & managers ?
38. Are your people leaving you as they don’t like the leader & their leadership style?
39. Are your leaders struggling with being innovative, leading high performance teams, influencing, motivating, networking, building trust, creating stakeholder value, engaging teams, building their own brand, coaching, building a culture of social collaboration learning, being emotionally intelligent etc.?
6 b)  i.   Innovation/Design thinking/ Human centered design
40. Do you aim at developing innovative and creative solutions for complex issues & creating new value in business?
41. Would you like your innovative solutions to embed empathy, creativity, user/human centric way by putting customer/people at the center?
Current state
42. Are you stuck with your employees not thinking out of the box?
43. Are you stuck with your employees not having a creative mindset, leading to no innovation and no value add for your customers?
6 b) ii.  Leading High-Performance teams
44. Do you aspire to uplift your entire team from average performance to high performance?
45. Do you have a solution to re-build a team & create a high performing team?
Current state
46. Are you facing challenges of average performance than high performance of your teams?
47. Are your leaders struggling with moving teams from average to high performance?
6 b) iii. Influencing skills, Motivation, moments that matter
48. Do you aspire to influence your stakeholders?
49. Do you aspire to have motivated employees at work?
Current state
50. Are your leaders struggling with influencing stakeholders?
51. Are your leaders struggling with motivating teams?
6 b)  iv. Emotional Intelligence (optional 360 degree)
52. Do you aspire your employees to manage their & others' emotions Intelligently?
53. Do you aspire your managers/ leaders to recognize their own feelings & those of others, for managing emotions well in themselves & in their relationships?
Current state
54. Are your managers/ leaders/ employees struggling with managing their emotions and relationships intelligently?
6 b) v.  Crafting Stakeholder Value star for any Project
55. Do you aspire to craft a true value for your internal project stakeholders ?
56. Do you have a journey for your managers/ leaders to understand & design a true stakeholder value star?
Current state
57. Are you struggling with no clear value star for your project stakeholders? e.g. value star covering financial & profitability, talent growth, experience & promotion, sustainability, diversity & inclusion, customer obsession with quality & innovation
6 b) vi. Networking while being Organization/ market Savvy
58. Do you aspire your organization’s people to have a strong strategic, personal, operational network to help you grow?
59. Do you aspire your people to understanding the organization structure, power relationship and personalities involved, to exercise this knowledge in practical & productive ways for organization’s growth?
Current state
60. Are you struggling as underperformers are organization savvy & good performance stay behind at building networks & relationships?
61. Are you struggling as your people are not networked, nor organization savvy with organization structures, managing upward relationships?
6 b) vii. Trust, Craft  your personal Brand
62. Do you aspire your people to trust your leaders & the organization?
63. Do you aspire your leaders to have their own personal brand?
Current state
64. Are you struggling as your leaders are unable to build trust with teams?
65. Are your struggling as your leaders are unable to build their personal brand?
6 b) viii. .Engagement of teams with Head & Heart
66. Do you aspire your people to put in extra effort, take initiative & actively promote the organization to others?
67. Do you aspire your organization’s people to have behavioural commitment at work?
Current state
68. Are you struggling as your employees are disengaged & don’t see value to put extra effort, take initiative & promote the organization to others?
69. Are your leaders struggling to engage employees with head & heart at work?
6 b) ix. Building a learning culture-Social and collaborative learning Journey
70. Do you aspire your people to learn fast & grow fast?
71. Do you aspire to accelerate the creative, social & collaborative learning in your organization?
Current state
72. Are you facing a challenge, as everyone wants to learn fast & grow fast, but we don’t know what to do?
73. Are your leaders struggling to create a culture of creative, social and collaborative learning for better results?
6 b) x. Coaching for results /Peer Coaching
74. Do you aspire your leaders to be, great coaches to aid talent achieve results?
75. Do you aspire your leaders to be able to, give evidence-based feedback in a positive manner?
Current state
76. Are your leaders struggling to give evidence-based feedback and do coaching for results?
7. Culture change
77. Do you aspire to be known for being an organization with the best culture?
Current state
78. Are you struggling to build a great organization culture, for overall organization & its people's growth, success & happiness?